If you are nominating an individual to fill the position of Deacon, please keep in mind the
Biblical Qualifications found in I Timothy 3 and Acts 6.

1 Timothy  3

Other Scriptures

• Not pursuing dishonest gain (1 Tim. 3:8)
• Worthy of respect (1 Tim. 3:8)
• Sincere (1 Tim. 3:8)
• Not indulging in much wine
(1 Tim. 3:8)
• Holding the deep truths of the faith (1 Tim. 3:9)
• Tested (1 Tim. 3:10)
• Beyond reproach (1 Tim. 3:10)
• Only one spouse (1 Tim. 3:12)
• Managing his children and his household well
(1 Tim. 3:12)
• Great boldness in the faith
(1 Tim. 3:13)
• Good reputation (Acts 6:3)
• Full of the Spirit (Acts 6:3)
• Full of wisdom (Acts 6:3)
• Full of faith (Acts 6:5)
Nominee Information
Please list up to two (2) nominees:

Submit this form by September 30th

For your convenience, our greeters will also have paper copies of the same information available to be completed and dropped in the offering buckets or giving boxes on Sundays.