Church at The Cross is a multicultural family

Experience church and community alongside others who speak American Sign Language, Brazilian Portuguese, Haitian Creole, Tagalog, Spanish, or Vietnamese.

Brazilian Community


Bem-vindos à Igreja da Cruz, Ministério Brasileiro!
Nós nos reunimos aos domingos às 10h, para um delicioso tempo de comunhão e café da manhã. Em seguida, temos um tempo de crescimento, estudo e aprendizado da Palavra de Deus em nossa língua materna, onde nos encorajamos, oramos e compartilhamos nossas experiências. Este é um tempo que, como cristãos, separamos e dedicamos ao aperfeiçoamento espiritual. Simultaneamente, temos classes para crianças e adolescentes no mesmo horário.
Às 11h30, durante o culto contemporâneo em inglês, oferecemos a tradução simultânea para o português. Todo primeiro domingo do mês, nos reunimos às 10h para um culto de adoração e celebração do memorial da Ceia do Senhor.


Welcome to Igreja da Cruz, Brazilian Ministry!
We meet on Sundays at 10am for a delicious time of fellowship and breakfast. We then have a time of growth, study and learning of the Word of God in our mother tongue, where we encourage each other, pray and share our experiences. This is a time that, as Christians, we set aside and dedicate to spiritual improvement. At the same time, we have classes for children and teenagers at the same time.
At 11:30 am, during the contemporary service in English, we offer simultaneous translation into Portuguese. Every first Sunday of the month, we gather at 10 am for a worship service and memorial celebration of the Lord's Supper.

Deaf Community

Welcome to the Church at the Cross Deaf Ministry!
The church's 9:00 AM service is interpreted into American Sign Language (ASL) for our Deaf and Hard of Hearing family members. Life Group follows at 10:15AM.
Church at the Cross welcomes you to join this culturally unique group of men, women, and children who love to worship and enjoy learning more about our loving Savior.
The Deaf Ministry's mission is to prepare and equip Deaf and hearing individuals to share the gospel with Deaf individuals around the world, 98% of whom do not know about Jesus.
On the third Sunday of every month, the Deaf Ministry does not worship with the hearing service. Instead, a Deaf Service, led by the Deaf Members, meet together in the Deaf Life Group room.
Everyone, Deaf and hearing alike, are always welcome to join Deaf Ministry services and activities!

Filipino Community


In the Filipino International Community, our passion is to love and serve Jesus Christ together and help others to do the same. We believe and follow Jesus’ charge in the Great Commandment to love God and love others. We believe that we are called to be a Christ-centered ministry that addresses the needs of the total person through worship, life-transforming Christian education, fellowship, progressive and timely ministries, and partnership in world-wide missions.
While we are known as an Asian-American ministry, the Filipino International Community is a caring family that welcomes anyone and everyone to attend our worship services regardless of race, color, or language. Our worship services, Bible studies, and LIFE Group classes are all in English. We invite you to discover the joy that we share when we come together to worship God in spirit and in truth. Lunch fellowship is provided every Sunday right after LIFE Groups. Why not come and join us in person one Sunday? It will be our pleasure to greet you personally and join you at the meal table. Once you’ve visited, we hope that you’ll choose the Filipino International Community to be your family.
We are founding members of the Fellowship of Filipino International Baptists of Florida (FFIBF). This membership allows us to partner with other Filipino churches in the state of Florida to enjoy statewide fellowships, networks of prayer and support, and annual opportunities to come together for fellowship and growth opportunities.

Haitian Community

There are many opportunities throughout the week for our Haitian community to serve and worship our Lord and Savior. When you come to worship with the Church at the Cross Haitian Community, be ready to hear the Word of God preached in Haitian Creole. We are faithful to the Word in His Bible: “Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage with great patience and careful instruction. For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear” (2 Timothy 4:2-3).
If you are an English speaker and you come in contact with a Haitian person, please tell them about the Haitian Community at Church at the Cross.

Vietnamese Community

The Church at the Cross is blessed to be a multi-cultural community. One of the sweetest parts of this fellowship is our Vietnamese community. You would be welcome to join this vibrant group of strong believers.

Meet the team

Maquindes Mehu


Ha Tran


Eric Schellenberger


Arnel Uriarte


Joao Ferraz Lopez