10:15 am
Life Groups

6:00 pm

Middle School: 6th-8th
High School: 9th-12th Grade

student ministry

High school and middle school students are ready to  own their faith.

We care about you (as an actual person)

You're not a number in a system—you're a living, breathing person. You matter to us. You matter to God.

We don't see you as the "future" generation

You don't need to get your college degree and have a suit and tie to change the world. Your time starts now.

We believe your faith will set the bar for others

The Bible says not to let people look down on you because you're young. Your real, authentic faith will move mountains in people's lives.

We're here to help you get through this

Whatever your "this" looks like. Your year at school. Your relationship status. Your personal battles. We have your back.

We will pursue truth together

We believe that real truth about life and faith exists and that by knowing the truth, it will set us free.

You don't have to hide

Screens, profiles, masks (real and figurative) are all things we sometimes use to hide from each other. Student ministry is a place that's safe to be real with ourselves, each other and with God.

Students Events